- What is the meaning of my life?
- How am I going to be happy?
- What am I supposed to do with my talents?
- Does my work suit me well enough?
- How can I grow?
You are gifted with unique talents. You can shape a meaningful life with these personal gifts. A life in which you feel happy in which you see opportunities and chances to search for everything that you can do effortlessly. It is of great worth to discover which gifts you have and how you can make use of them for yourself and the world around you. You will experience a sense of wholeness and unity when all of your talents become active and start to serve you. Next to discovering and gathering your gifts we will also search for your inner leadership. How would you like to guide and lead your gifts and in which way would you like to show your talents?
What is The Game of Gifts
The Game of Gifts presupposes that each of us have a mission in life for which we have been given the necessary talents or gifts. When we put our talents into use and contribute to the larger whole we will be given everything we need to accomplish our life’s mission.
In the first part of The Game of Gifts we explore your talents and what they mean to you. Your unconsciousness will open up to you and will let you look at all there is to find. As a Game of Gifts coach I will support you in finding clearity and insight on your true strength and potential and how to put it out into the world. Does every talent get enough space to get to its full growth.
In the second part we look at how you can learn to guide your gifts in serving you and the larger whole. In a playful and concrete way you will receive a view on your true life’s mission. This way you’ll get in touch with yourself and with what really makes you happy.
In which way can The Game of Gifts support you?
Do you ask yourself if life has more to offer? Are you looking for a direction in life to carry out your mission and to follow your heart? Coaching with The Game of Gifts will show you the way to become more conscious of your path and destination. You will be able to lead a life in connection with yourself, which will make you happier and stronger. You will experience more confidence and you’ll learn to understand how to put your talents into action to achieve a life of joy and fullfilment. I will gladly help you to get in touch with your true self. With my background as a movement coach I will put an emphasis on connecting the wisdom of your body to listening to your inner knowing. By using The Game of Gifts and Voice & Physique I can offer your a broad scale of knowledge that can accomplish that connection for you. Next to this combination Multiple Merkaba Techniques can give you the extra support you need to get your physical energy flowing.

Hourly fee : €87,50
Average length of a session: 2,5 hours